Mar 21, 2021Liked by Nilofer Merchant

"If I act as if I’m somehow independent, it denies our interdependencies." - this is everything, stunning as always Nilofer thank you.

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This... "it’s the company that decides who is on the interview committee, and often the people who can reveal what’s not working are kept far away from candidates."

I took a job even though a part of me was thinking "This is crazy. They won't let me meet with the people I'm going to be managing" even though it was not a confidential role or anything like that. Within the first few weeks, I knew I had made a huge mistake. Culture and values did not align with mine. It took some soul searching, resourcing with friends, mentors, former bosses, to know it wasn't me. Yet it was MY problem to deal with because I was the one who had to decide what to do. The company wasn't going to change. Those people I managed? Some of them have stayed. A number of them have left or are leaving. Our feedback has not been heard. And it's really sad. Great product, great opportunity, bad leadership.

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